How is Child Support Calculated in Nevada? | VEGAS DIVORCE PROS™ Divorce · Annulment · Legal Separation · Call Now 702-751-6095 Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:05:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How is Child Support Calculated in Nevada? (Vegas Divorce Pros shows you the SIMPLE Way) Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:05:50 +0000 “The registrant is not an attorney authorized to practice in this State and is prohibited from providing legal advice or legal representation to any person.”  “El registrante no es un abogado autorizado para ejercer en este estado y tiene prohibido brindar asesoramiento legal o representación legal a cualquier persona”.  How is Child Support Calculated in...

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“The registrant is not an attorney authorized to practice in this State and is prohibited from providing legal advice or legal representation to any person.” 

“El registrante no es un abogado autorizado para ejercer en este estado y tiene prohibido brindar asesoramiento legal o representación legal a cualquier persona”. 

How is Child Support Calculated in Nevada? (Vegas Divorce Pros shows you the SIMPLE Way)

As of January 2022, it is calculated as such:

1 kid = 16% of parent’s GMI (gross monthly income)
2 kids = 22% of parent’s GMI (gross monthly income)
3 kids = 26% of parent’s GMI (gross monthly income)
4 kids = 28% of parent’s GMI (gross monthly income)
each additional kid is 2% additional per child of parent’s GMI (gross monthly income)

VEGAS DIVORCE PROS | Cheap Divorce in Las Vegas | Text Now 702-751-6095

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Vegas Divorce Pros
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Suite A2
Las Vegas, NV 89146

Host: Daniel Wiafe

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