#1 Divorce Payment Plan
Service in Las Vegas!
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7251 W. Lake Mead Blvd #300
Las Vegas, NV 89128
“Please make an appointment to meet us!”
Make sure you check the Online Google Reviews of whoever YOU hire to do your Divorce. Our 5-Star Reviews speak for themselves. 😉

UPDATED: October 12, 2023.
At VEGAS DIVORCE PROS, we’re here to help you get your divorce in Las Vegas done quickly, affordably and with good service to you!
We offer our hard-working clients top-notch service — and can EVEN handle all of the divorce process over the phone with you, by video chat and even online.
Regarding signatures — we can send a mobile notary out to your house (additional fee), if you’d like to remain at your home and not visit our office or go out to a notary to sign your papers.
Our offices are open Monday – Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
(Please call or text in advance to set up an appointment)
QUESTIONS? Please call us or text us now at 702-751-6095
☑️ You Can SAVE Thousands of Dollars in Your Divorce Fees! We Prepare Your Las Vegas Divorce Papers … starting at ONLY 50% HALF DOWN (…Keep reading to see how…)
The VEGAS DIVORCE PROS team are here to serve!
FACT: The Average Cost of a Divorce in Las Vegas ranges between $15,000 to $30,000.
If you are needing to get a cheap divorce in Las Vegas (or any other city in the state of Nevada) … then you are at the right place!
At VEGAS DIVORCE PROS … we prepare and file your Las Vegas divorce at an affordable price.
We are Las Vegas’ #1 professionals when it comes to preparing divorces for regular, every day people — that don’t want to spend a fortune on their divorce.
We are document preparers registered to prepare your documentation such as your Divorce, Annulment and Child custody paperwork in the State of Nevada
We at VEGAS DIVORCE PROS are not attorneys, therefore we can not give you legal advice … however we can prepare ALL of your divorce paperwork, file it for you at the courthouse and pick up the Decree for you when the judge signs it.
A typical divorce attorney in Las Vegas will charge upwards of $3,000 to $7,000 as a retainer JUST to start you off depending on your case.
We can typically get your divorce done for HALF OF THAT AMOUNT … with no additional payment needed from you!
How QUICKLY Can I Get My Divorce?
If you and your spouse have a SIMPLE DIVORCE — meaning that both of you are willing to sign the divorce paperwork (a Joint Petition), we can get your divorce finalized in as little as 2-3 weeks AFTER filing the divorce with the court.
PLEASE NOTE: We CANNOT guarantee time frames of your Divorce going through and we CANNOT guarantee results either.
☑️ Can VEGAS DIVORCE PROS Prepare & File My Particular Divorce in Las Vegas?

The short answer to that is most likely “YES!”
Anything dealing with DIVORCE, we can typically do and if we can’t do it, then we know the right people to refer you too! 😉
Over the years, Daniel Wiafe and at VEGAS DIVORCE PROS have handled thousands of divorces in Nevada and nationwide and as such, have seen just about EVERY type of divorce scenario that is out there.
We pride ourselves in being able to prepare your Las Vegas Divorce for you at your request.
Divorce can be straight hell, especially if you have never gone through one.
But we make it our aim to make YOUR situation as PEACEFUL and STRAIGHT-FORWARD as possible for you.
- Is your spouse willing to sign the divorce papers? WE DO IT!
- Does your spouse NOT agree to sign the divorce papers? WE DO IT!
- Getting a divorce and you have minor kids and are unsure of what to do in regards to custody, child support and visitation? WE DO IT!
- Need to get a divorce and you haven’t seen your spouse in years & you don’t know their whereabouts? WE DO IT!
- Want to get your maiden name back after your divorce is complete? WE DO IT!
- Don’t have time to file your divorce? WE DO IT! Sign the divorce paperwork and we will handle the rest for you.
- Just got served with divorce papers by your spouse? We can prepare an Answer & Counterclaim at your request if that is what you feel that you need.
- Let’s get you started NOW! Call us or text us right now, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week at 702-751-6095 to get YOU started.
At VEGAS DIVORCE PROS, we specialize in doing Las Vegas divorces … but we can also prepare other legal documentation needs, such as…
- Annulments
- Legal Separations
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Living Wills
- Paternity
- Marriage Certificates
- …And much more! Call or text us now at 702-751-6095 and tell us what divorce package you want us to prepare for you.
☑️ GREAT! I Want VEGAS DIVORCE PROS to Prepare My Divorce in Las Vegas for me. What are Your Prices?
⚖ Joint Petition Divorce.
A Joint Petition Divorce is the SIMPLEST, QUICKEST and MOST AFFORDABLE divorce that we at VEGAS DIVORCE PROS can prepare for you.
It’s sometimes called an ‘Uncontested Divorce’, because neither party is contesting anything important regarding the divorce.
Everyone is in agreement on proceeding with the divorce.
A Joint Petition is signed by both you and your spouse … Both of you AGREE to how you will divide the property, assets and debts.
If you and your spouse have any minor children, both of you AGREE to the terms regarding child custody, visitation and support.
Joint Petition divorces are the cheapest Las Vegas divorce you can get because you don’t need to fight it out in court and have a judge rule on the issues at hand.
⚖ Complaint Divorce.
A Complaint Divorce is a divorce where ONLY one person needs to sign it (you).
This type of divorce is done IF your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers, if they are unable to sign OR if both parties are in disagreement to the terms of the divorce.
The time frame for this type of divorce from start to finish once the divorce has been filed at the courthouse can typically range from 2 to 3 months … (IF your spouse does NOT respond).
Here is what happens with a Complaint Divorce:
A Complaint is filed within the court and the proper paperwork must then be served to your spouse.
Once served, your spouse has 20 days to respond to the your Complaint (or ask for an extension).
If they do NOT do so, they will be in default and you can proceed on with getting the divorce finalized and have the judge sign your Divorce Decree.
If your spouse does respond within 20 days, both of you will typically need to go 1st through conference meeting with the judge (to determine what you both agree on vs. what you disagree on).
After this meeting (it is usually set within 90 days after your spouse responds to your Complaint), you two will then typically go to a court mediation or settlement to see if you can mediate your issues and come to an agreement 2nd.
If you and your spouse still do NOT agree to the terms surrounding your property, debts, kids and/or spousal support … you and your spouse will go to trial and then the judge will decide the terms of the divorce for you and your spouse.
When you and your spouse don’t agree to the divorce terms — this is typically the breeding ground for creating a scenario where each of you are having to duke it out in court AND spending the $5,000-$10,000+ on attorney fees.
⚖ Missing Spouse Divorce. (aka Publication Divorce)
A Missing Spouse Divorce (also known as a “Publication Divorce”) is a divorce that you do when you cannot find your spouse… and you do not know their whereabouts
The time frame for this type of divorce from start to finish once the divorce has been filed at the courthouse can typically range from 4 to 6 months. (IF your spouse does NOT respond)
This type of divorce is done IF your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers, if they are unable to sign OR if both parties are in disagreement to the terms of the divorce.
Here is what happens with a Missing Spouse Divorce:
A Complaint is filed within the court and the proper paperwork must then be served and mailed to the last know address of your spouse.
Then a Affidavit of Due Diligence must be done by skip tracing agent.
The Due Diligence is a report that proves to the Court that the skip tracing agent tried MULTIPLE ways to find your spouse (via social media, via background search, via contacting people who know that person, etc) … and was NOT able to find that person.
Once this has been done the judge will sign an Order for Service by Publication.
This will be taken to the local newspaper (ie. Nevada Legal News) and the newspaper must run a legal notice stating that you are seeking a divorce from your spouse & that they must respond to the divorce … in their legal notices section for FOUR (4) Weeks.
Once the legal notice has been done running, the newspaper will give you an Affidavit of Service by Publication.
On the last day that the legal notice was ran, your spouse will have 20 days to respond to the court.
Should they NOT respond in that time frame, they are in Default.
Once your spouse is in default — you can proceed on with getting the divorce finalized and have the judge sign your Divorce Decree.
As you can probably see from the basic description of the Missing Spouse Divorce we just detailed… it can be a VERY complicated & hellacious divorce to do!
Have a Question that We Didn’t Answer or You Couldn’t Find? We’ll be GLAD to assist! 😊
Call or Text Us NOW at (702) 751-6095.
7251 W. Lake Mead Blvd #300
Las Vegas, NV 89128