by Geri of Vegas Divorce Pros
Need to get a cheap divorce in Las Vegas? The Pros at Vegas Divorce Pros prepare divorces starting at $199 down for our Payment Plan. Click here or call/text 702-751-6095.
Joint Petition for Divorce Forms in Nevada?
Unfortunately, you can obtain online generic forms online.
The problem with these type of forms is that they are not keep up-to-date with the new/changing rules and regulations. Most of those forms do not contain the proper information and format to satisfy each county in Nevada.
If the first filing document, the Joint Petition, is incorrect when it comes time to have the Judge sign the Decree, the Law Clerk or Judge will return the divorce, requesting that the Joint Petition be AMENDED and resigned by the parties.
So it is in your best interest to be sure that all the paperwork in your divorce package is correct and completed properly.
We at Vegas Divorce Pros do a large volume of proper person divorces, and we keep up on
all of the new & changing rules and regulations.
If you have children that are at issue in the marriage; the child support, legal custody, visitation, and many other topics MUST be worded properly in order for the judge to sign off on the Decree of Divorce.
Need to get a cheap divorce in Las Vegas? The Pros at Vegas Divorce Pros prepare divorces starting out at $199 down for our Payment Plan.
Click here or call/text 702-751-6095.